Sunday, September 9, 2012

Steve Jobs-The man who thought different: A biography

     Over the summer I read the book "Steve Jobs-The man who thought different: A biography" By Karen Blumenthal. This is an extraordinary book, It's all about The journey of this amazing man who produced one of the first computers that could sit on your desk a home, and actually do something by itself. Most of the book is focusing around the memorable speech that Jobs gave at a Stanford college graduation ceremony. In this speech he tells three stories to the graduates. 3 different stories of love, loss, & mortality.
      Steve Jobs is portrayed as a super human in this book. But also how some people thought of Jobs as a petulant or mean boss. They mentioned that he had a bad temper and would yell at workers often. Other people thought of him as iconic and honer able. From reading the book, I think of him as more of an iconic figure because of all of the things he accomplished.
     He created one of the first self sufficient computers. He also produced the apple iphone , the ipod touch , the ipad, itunes & he was the founder of Pixar, a company that produces many animated films. Steve jobs changed animated movies a lot by combining technology and art to revolutionize the animation industry. Some very well known movies created by Pixar are Toy Story 1,2 & 3. Finding Nemo, The Incredibles. And many more movies that are very popular today.
     Over all, this book told me a lot about Steve Jobs & how he started to make computers, and changed the world substantially!

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