Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Response to Responses!

     I thought that the way Katia wrote her blog was very nice, She used just enough detail about the book "Shadow And Bone" To show how interesting it is, and to pull you in. But not to much to the point where she would be spoiling anything. The way she describes it in her own words as a twisted and dark fantasy is so mysterious. Her short summary is the perfect length and is explained really well. And she also kind of hints a change that goes on with the main character.WELL DONE!
     A different reading response that I liked, was about the same book I had written my response on The Steve Jobs biography by Karen Blumenthal. It was much more simple than Katia's response, which can be good and bad. In this case I thought that it lacked a little bit of spice. Charlotte could have added in a  more personal or detailed intake on key parts of the story! NOT trying to be mean or anything. Simple is nice, don't get me wrong. I do like how she mentions Pixar and apple as some main focuses in the story. BRAVO!
     Malach's blog post was VERY neat, and well planned out. I LOVE how Malach started with a question. Malach's book is "Battle Royal", and the question is "What was your reaction to Battle Royale Koushun Takami? How was Battle Royale similar, and different compared to the The Hunger Games Suzzane Collins?".
I think this question is a great question, and leaves a lot of room for a multi paragraph response. Malach, wrote different paragraphs each with there own theme tying back to the main question. He wrote about how Battle Royale was similar to the Hunger Games. How it was different, And also something that I really liked, was how he wrote a paragraph on the character change. WONDERFUL!
     Many of the kids in the class went full out on there responses ;)  

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