Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Maniac Magee/ Social Awareness issue

     when I was in 5th grade, I remember reading for the first time, my favorite book ever! It's called " Maniac Magee"  by: Jerry Spinelli. The reason I loved this book so much is because it felt so fast paced. But at the same time, it felt like I was living this struggling boys life with him.
     I think that main idea / problem in the book " Maniac Magee", is that the boy loses  his parents, and after running away from his grandparents who had been taking care of him. He meets many inspiring people on the way. Maniac, meets people that he loves, and meet people that don't believe in him, or end up leaving him. I think that Maniac is misunderstood, and really just wants to find stability in someone. often people in the world want everything to stay the same and don't care for change. Maniac also seeks for things to stay the same. But, only when he is in a good time in his life, Maniac met a man, that was later nicknamed Grey [ all I can remember] He grew very close to this man "Grey" and he moved in with him. Grey served as a father figure to maniac and helped to get his life back on track. But, later on in the story, Grey dies and Maniac is left alone ONCE AGAIN! :( I think that this relates to a real world problem of children that dont have anyone to depend on. Or that don't have anyone that can rightfully take care of them. 
     In conclusion, I think that Maniac is misunderstood from the grape vine. And that he really just wants someone that will always be there to take care of him. And to make sure that he gets the love  that he needs. Maniac goes through many loops that relate to real world problems that need to be worked at in order to be solved.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Independent reading book response

     The book I Heart You, You Haunt Me by Lisa schroeder is basically about a 15 year old girl that loses her boyfriend in a horrible accident. A little while after her boyfriends funeral she begins to see his ghost around her house. Except it wasn't just a ghost. It was actually him, in spirit. He would write her letters , in lipstick on her mirror. And make the television turn on to let her know he was there. 
     The girl, Ava, never wants to leave the house, because she doesn't want to be away from her boyfriend Jacksons spirit, that only arrives in her home. The structure of the book is beautiful, its like mini poems put together to make a story. The poetic language bring so many emotions with this book. It really is great! Getting back to plot, I notice how Ava is almost , not really her self around anyone. She has Jackson always on her mind. And it seems like, in Ava's mind, Jackson is all she needs. She doesn't even seem "real" with her own dad.
     In conclusion, this book left me in tears more than once. The way the Ava and Jackson are together, they love each other unconditionally. Often that word, unconditionally isn't correct for some relationships. But, for Jackson and Ava's . It really is true, Ava still loves Jackson even though he isn't living. This book is a MUST read !!! it's really touching, and despite what you may think about all the good and happy sounding things I have said about it. Just like in any relationship, couples fight unconditionally as well.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Response on Hurricane Sandy

     The article I read about hurricane sandy is about a serious issue, other than people losing their homes. And not having food. Instead its about a group of living things that seem to have been forgotten , left in the rubble. ANIMALS. Some animal shelters have been destroyed and leave many innocent cats and dogs ect. with no where to go. Everyone deserves to be taken care of. And this article basically talks about how you can donate to a fund that will go to animal relief and help to get animals, and shelter owners back on their feet!
     I think this is a great cause because , with so much going on and with every person in need, we have almost all forgotten about animals that need food , shelter, and affection. They are living too. It really shows that they depend on us to live. And we have to be there for them because they are just innocent animals. If I were you I would donate to this cause ASAP!!
     Now that being said, I don't want to have my thoughts on animal relief be confused with me not wanting to help people that are in need. I strongly believe in donating to a cause that will help people who have no food clothing or shelter. We are all neighbors , we have to have someone to look to when we fall. We need to help other people who have been less fortunate than us. Imagine what it could be like to wake up in a shelter, having lost everything you have to your name. Humans are very important and need to be taken care of as well.
   From this article, I take that animals need are help, an humans need our help. People are already getting tons of help by government and other people who are donating to relief causes. Animals need not be forgotten, they are living just like us . No one wants to be left in the dust to fend for yourself. 
D O N A T E !

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"Gossip Girl" by: Cecily von Ziegesar

"Gossip Girl" by: Cecily von Ziegesar

     The book "Gossip Girl" by: Cecily von Ziegesar is so interesting, and it's always leaving you in need of more! In the very beginning of the book, drama hits from the bat. I think that a main, or major lesson in this book is sex, and how it can screw everything up. As well as, bring you closer to someone. I think that this lesson was intentionally brought up by Ziegesar by using drama, to pull the reader in. And then teach them almost, unnoticeable lessons along the way.
     So anyway, in the beginning of the book Blair Waldorf [one of the main characters] hosts a party alongside her mother Eleanor Waldorf. This party is a welcome back to school party, The Waldorfs are very rich. Along with every upper east sider in this book. Many people attend this party, and Blair's boyfriend, Nate Archibald also attends. Blair wants her life to be like a movie, and she would play the "good girl." At this party, Blair all of the sudden wants to have sex with Nate, Blair wanted to make it special, because she thought she cared about losing her virginity to the right person. She tried to lose her virginity to Nate, but he wasn't ready and they got in a fight. After that, Blair was so upset with Nate that she lost her virginity to Chuck Bass, son of the multi millionaire Bartholemu Bass [Bart Bass]. Chuck was a party guy, and went to bars to drink all the time. Chuck was vicious and dirty, Later in the story when everyone finds out that Blair slept with Chuck. It really shows that having sex with one wrong person, especially losing your virginity to them, can really mess up everything in your life. You can lose friends, you can get pregnant and not know what to do, ect...
     Another thing that adds on the the dangers of sex, is that Serena Van der Woodsen, [Blairs best friend]. Had sex with Blairs boyfriend Nate, and they both never told anyone. Nate still secretly has feelings for Serena, but Serena was drunk and doesn't even really care about Nate in a romantic way. Later in the story, when Blair finds out that Serena slept with Nate she is furious! For a long time , Blair won't even look at Serena, let alone talk to her. What Serena did was , in Blair's eyes unforgivable. I don't think I would be able to forgive Serena either. But after a really long while, a long road of back stabbing and arguments. Blair and Serena work things out. The whole scandal is still brought up, and even though things are unwinding. There is a whole new storm rising.
     Sex can benefit in someones like as well... 
But there is no need to get into that, seeing as the lesson in the first few chapters of this book how sleeping with someone can ruin things in your life. Which is true in many way... BUT, it is also the way we reproduce! I think that all that really matters, is WHEN you do "The deed" and WHOM you do it with. Which is exactly was Ziegesar is trying to get across!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Response to Responses!

     I thought that the way Katia wrote her blog was very nice, She used just enough detail about the book "Shadow And Bone" To show how interesting it is, and to pull you in. But not to much to the point where she would be spoiling anything. The way she describes it in her own words as a twisted and dark fantasy is so mysterious. Her short summary is the perfect length and is explained really well. And she also kind of hints a change that goes on with the main character.WELL DONE!
     A different reading response that I liked, was about the same book I had written my response on The Steve Jobs biography by Karen Blumenthal. It was much more simple than Katia's response, which can be good and bad. In this case I thought that it lacked a little bit of spice. Charlotte could have added in a  more personal or detailed intake on key parts of the story! NOT trying to be mean or anything. Simple is nice, don't get me wrong. I do like how she mentions Pixar and apple as some main focuses in the story. BRAVO!
     Malach's blog post was VERY neat, and well planned out. I LOVE how Malach started with a question. Malach's book is "Battle Royal", and the question is "What was your reaction to Battle Royale Koushun Takami? How was Battle Royale similar, and different compared to the The Hunger Games Suzzane Collins?".
I think this question is a great question, and leaves a lot of room for a multi paragraph response. Malach, wrote different paragraphs each with there own theme tying back to the main question. He wrote about how Battle Royale was similar to the Hunger Games. How it was different, And also something that I really liked, was how he wrote a paragraph on the character change. WONDERFUL!
     Many of the kids in the class went full out on there responses ;)  

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Steve Jobs-The man who thought different: A biography

     Over the summer I read the book "Steve Jobs-The man who thought different: A biography" By Karen Blumenthal. This is an extraordinary book, It's all about The journey of this amazing man who produced one of the first computers that could sit on your desk a home, and actually do something by itself. Most of the book is focusing around the memorable speech that Jobs gave at a Stanford college graduation ceremony. In this speech he tells three stories to the graduates. 3 different stories of love, loss, & mortality.
      Steve Jobs is portrayed as a super human in this book. But also how some people thought of Jobs as a petulant or mean boss. They mentioned that he had a bad temper and would yell at workers often. Other people thought of him as iconic and honer able. From reading the book, I think of him as more of an iconic figure because of all of the things he accomplished.
     He created one of the first self sufficient computers. He also produced the apple iphone , the ipod touch , the ipad, itunes & he was the founder of Pixar, a company that produces many animated films. Steve jobs changed animated movies a lot by combining technology and art to revolutionize the animation industry. Some very well known movies created by Pixar are Toy Story 1,2 & 3. Finding Nemo, The Incredibles. And many more movies that are very popular today.
     Over all, this book told me a lot about Steve Jobs & how he started to make computers, and changed the world substantially!