Sunday, June 2, 2013


"Hypothalamus:Brain Region May Hold The Key to Aging"

     Scientists have always wondered wether or not people aged by their tissue in their body, or if it was another thing. They recently learned that the aging a human goes through comes from the hypothalamus, which is an organ in the brain. Scientists have done experiments on mice, and have found that they can alter the aging time in mice and make their life span longer. 

     I think that this discovery is amazing, and it could help the elderly with diseases, because it could make their life span longer, if they have their hypothalamus changed in anyway. I think that this could bring new possibility in younger people, stopping their aging at a certain age, and being young forever, maybe even living forever! This could also help people with diseases such as heart disease, arthritis etc. because, there are many diseases that come with age. I also think, that it would take a very LONG time for this to work for humans because, even if this works for mice, Humans and mice are similar in there bodies and there build. But, there are a lot of obvious differences, they are completely different creatures. But I do think that this could be a major break through in scientific studies of aging.

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