Monday, February 4, 2013


1.) Push-Saphire
2.) Blink-Malcolm Gladwell
3.) The Giver
4.) The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

I need to work on reading stamina, and read at least 30 minutes every day.I also need to read more nonfiction, and some other books that aren't depressing, or science fiction.
I also need to work on frequently logging, and reading more, in general. I also need to find a quiet place to read, and when reading, work on absorbing the book and find a little bit to relate to within it.

The 3 books I want to read next, are the rest of "The Giver" books.
book 2 3 and 4 : )
And I have a couple of John Green books that I am working on.

For non-fiction I would like to read articles on science, about the human body. And also about natural disasters like earthquakes and such.

I need to improve on taking direct quotes from the book and adding them to my response.
I also need to improve on writing more meaningful responses.
As well as, working on making my reading responses more interesting by relating the book/story/article to the real world.

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