Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Nonfiction - Reading Response

Science Research
Lily Green
Question: Do preservatives affect the speed at with mold grows?

Preservatives in food are made to kill bacteria and enzymes that cause the food to go bad, and mold. There are generally 3 types of preservatives,antimicrobials which prevent the growth of mold,bacteria,and yeast.Then, there are antioxidants that prevents the food from “rancidity.” And the last preservative type fights enzymes that cause the fruit to ripen after being picked.
Sulfites, these preservatives prevent the growth of certain microorganisms that disturb the growth process of a cell. Propionates are antimicrobials and are used to keep baked goods fresh.(According to Hassan Gourama Ph.D associate professor of food science at PSU.) Propionic acid grows naturally in some fruits,but is essentially used to keep bread from going bad, and stop mold from invading cells.

I believe that preservatives do affect the speed at which mold grows.Food without
preservatives will mold more quickly.

Monday, February 4, 2013


1.) Push-Saphire
2.) Blink-Malcolm Gladwell
3.) The Giver
4.) The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

I need to work on reading stamina, and read at least 30 minutes every day.I also need to read more nonfiction, and some other books that aren't depressing, or science fiction.
I also need to work on frequently logging, and reading more, in general. I also need to find a quiet place to read, and when reading, work on absorbing the book and find a little bit to relate to within it.

The 3 books I want to read next, are the rest of "The Giver" books.
book 2 3 and 4 : )
And I have a couple of John Green books that I am working on.

For non-fiction I would like to read articles on science, about the human body. And also about natural disasters like earthquakes and such.

I need to improve on taking direct quotes from the book and adding them to my response.
I also need to improve on writing more meaningful responses.
As well as, working on making my reading responses more interesting by relating the book/story/article to the real world.